The meeting brought together more than 700 people (including authorities, former authorities, businessmen, entrepreneurs and agents linked to sustainability) and the challenges required by a true culture of sustainability for companies and the challenges they currently have to achieve social impact and environmental.
Our founder and executive president, Sebastian Salinas Claro, was part of the panel “Communities and social impact: Who do we work with to be sustainable?” where he emphasized how important it is for the communities affected by an organizational decision to participate in its creation to guarantee its relevance and permanence over time, which is the basis of Balloon Latam's impact methodology: participation, relevance and permanence (our triple P).
“It is crucial to differentiate between reputation and legitimacy. Legitimacy is based on three aspects: how you finance yourself, what they say about you in your community and who you associate with,” Sebastián also commented, where he shared space with Carolina Leitao, president of the Chilean Association of Municipalities; Ignacio Lira Molina, corporate affairs manager CMPC Bosques; Alfredo Moreno, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Social Development and Public Works; and Rodrigo Brito, director of sustainability for the southern South America area of The Coca-Cola Company