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Nine rural leaders are recognized in the first version of Invisible InnovatorsThis is an example

Delivered by Balloon Latam together with the MC Foundation, the recognition seeks to make visible and commemorate the dedication of leaders whose work contributes and inspires to build a better country, from the territories.

During the celebration of Rural Entrepreneur Day, a historic event organized by Balloon Latam, and celebrated for the first time simultaneously in the regions of Aysén, Maule, Los Lagos and Araucanía, the outstanding entrepreneurs and leaders who have been recognized for their contribution to the positive change in their communities.

The “Invisible Innovators 2023” recognition is a distinction that celebrates the commitment and leadership of those who promote sustainable development in rural sectors. Through categories such as Engine of Change, Impact Innovator and Transformative Spirit, the work of these nine leaders has been honored whose work has left a positive and lasting mark on the social and economic fabric of the country.

In the Engine of Change category, leaders such as Marcia Barria from Los Lagos, Olga Aldauc from Aysén, Sebastián Huenul from Pitrufquén, La Araucanía and Nelly Inostroza from Maule stand out. These entrepreneurs have demonstrated exceptional skills in leading their projects and communities.

For their part, the Impact Innovators, Blanca Martínez de Maule, José Luis Hueche from Araucanía, Sandra Oyarzo from Los Lagos and Constanza Cuevas from Aysén, have been recognized for their commitment to the fundamental pillars of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental through exceptional rural projects.

The highest award, the Transforming Spirit, was awarded to Dora Chamorro from the La Araucanía region. Dora Chamorro has been recognized for her visionary approach in transforming the way the country is built, focusing her entrepreneurial action on inclusive economic, social and environmental development, respecting the dignity and ties of rural communities.

Dora Chamorro's story is inspiring: originally from Robinson Crusoe Island, where the ban on raising sheep affected the weavers, she decided to migrate to the Araucanía region to revitalize the activity. Its impact is reflected both on the island and in the region. Additionally, she leads a group of 12 women on the island, not only dedicated to weaving, but also providing crucial support to those facing domestic violence.

Alejandra Grebe, Executive Director of the MC Foundation, announced the well-deserved recognition of Dora Chamorro during the ceremony that marked Rural Entrepreneur Day. The event also featured the participation of Devanna de La Puente, an expert in gender equality, women's rights and peacebuilding, and with the participation of entrepreneurs from the four regions, who shared their testimonies and life stories.


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